Imperfect Quatrefoil Panels - 4 Pack - GRADE C
Chipping on front/edges of panels and small divot on side of panels due to CNC router moving during production.
Size | Width | Length | Profile | MSRP | Price | Quantity | |
(4) 8" x 8" | 8" | 8" | 1/2" | $55.96 | $19.99 |
Paneles imperfectos Imperfect Quatrefoil Panels - 4 Pack - GRADE C
(4) 8" x 8"

Imperfect Lead Primed Linen Panel - 1/8" Aluminum Composite Material
Lead linen is not as smooth as it should be

Imperfect Gothic Vienna Floater Panel - 2 Pack
Keyhole not centered in back, knots, edges not smooth, keyhole drilled too deep leaving holes that can be seen in the float
Size | Width | Length | Profile | MSRP | Price | Quantity | |
5.75" x 12" | 5.75" | 12" | 1/2" | $37.98 | $18.99 |
Paneles imperfectos Imperfect Gothic Vienna Floater Panel - 2 Pack
5.75" x 12"

Imperfect Gothic Altar Panel - Grade C
Chipping, chunks missing, uneven doors, doors don't close, etc. Needs some work.
Size | Width | Length | Profile | MSRP | Price | Quantity | |
13 " x 12" | 13" | 12" | 1/2" | $$39.99 | $19.99 |
Paneles imperfectos Imperfect Gothic Altar Panel - Grade C
13 " x 12"

Imperfect Gesso Primed Hardboard Panel - Gallery Profile
Panels were dropped, cradle and corners damaged